Saturday, January 9, 2016

Mountain Babes in the Forest of Monochrome

Well, what can I say. We're back home, and the weather is still rotten.

I call it the Forest of Monochrome.

But wait! What's that?
 A magic tower...


...guarded by spooky trees...


 ...and fluorescent mushrooms by the side of the path.

But, not to worry!

They made it back out alright :)

Friday, January 1, 2016

Mountain Babes Wish You A Happy New Year!

Since the weather was so rotten, the Mountain Babes up and went to the REAL mountains.


They have sun here

And snow to stomp in!

Some of us like to hike in the snow...

...while others prefer to play in it.

Actually, they liked it so much that they didn't make it very far from the trail head. :)


Instead, they made snow pies...


...snow hills...

...and snow wallows. 

There was beauty near...

...and far.

Afterwards, we celebrated the New Year with a bowl of Pho...

Man, this place is pretty.