Saturday, January 9, 2016

Mountain Babes in the Forest of Monochrome

Well, what can I say. We're back home, and the weather is still rotten.

I call it the Forest of Monochrome.

But wait! What's that?
 A magic tower...


...guarded by spooky trees...


 ...and fluorescent mushrooms by the side of the path.

But, not to worry!

They made it back out alright :)

Friday, January 1, 2016

Mountain Babes Wish You A Happy New Year!

Since the weather was so rotten, the Mountain Babes up and went to the REAL mountains.


They have sun here

And snow to stomp in!

Some of us like to hike in the snow...

...while others prefer to play in it.

Actually, they liked it so much that they didn't make it very far from the trail head. :)


Instead, they made snow pies...


...snow hills...

...and snow wallows. 

There was beauty near...

...and far.

Afterwards, we celebrated the New Year with a bowl of Pho...

Man, this place is pretty.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Mountain Babes Defy The Rain

According to my old PE teacher, there is no such thing as bad weather
(merely inappropriate clothing).

When braving the elements, it is important to shout a battle cry.
You may want to choose something wacky ("Defiance!" or "Anarchy!" usually does the trick). 

Watch out for umbrellas crossing. They should have a sign for that.

By all means, go ahead and stomp and jump to your heart's content.

You will be rewarded by sights unseen by most.

Mountain Babes Wish You a Merry Christmas

May your days be filled with light.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Mountain Babes and Friends Get Frosty at Glen Helen

This morning, we woke to a beautiful surprise.

A combination of freezing night time temperatures and fog had turned our hike destination into a winter wonderland.

Undeterred, they set out to explore

Across the bridge...

...and over the river...

...into the mountains...

...under the mountains...

...and through the mountains.

It was magical.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Mountain Babes on MD High Point: Backbone Mountain

Challenging Conditions today on Backbone Mountain, with fog, wind, and a light drizzle once we got closer to the summit.
Thank God for Trail Mix M&M's... 

The wet forest was beautiful, though.

Mountain Babes on WV High Point: Spruce Knob

We are Opting Outside this Black Friday

In fact, it's a thing now. We call it "Green Friday"...